50 handball-crazy kids train with Final4 stars

"I scored a goal against our national team goalkeeper." A lot of handball-crazy kids from Varazdin could say this on Saturday afternoon as PPD Zagreb and Croatian national team goalkeeper Filip Ivic was one of five players who attended the ‘Kid’s Day’ of the SEHA - Gazprom League Final 4 in Varazdin.50 kids from the city, aged 7-14, had a brilliant experience in the Arena Varazdin as they first entered the court of the Final 4 venue just like the players did in the semi-finals yesterday (Friday 1 April) with a great lightshow and player introduction. Then the youngsters divided in four groups doing different exercises with their coaches, while their family and friends watched from the stands. At exactly 18:00, the Final 4 announcer Franjo called the children to queue in a row for the official player presentation. When Ivic, Tin Kontrec, Antonijo Kovacevic (all PPD Zagreb), Ivan Sliskovic (MVM Veszprem) and Ivan Pesic (Meshkov Brest) entered the arena, the kids gave each of them a warm and special ‘La Ola’ greeting.After a group picture and autographs of all of their stars, the children trained together with their handball heroes, shooting at goal or learning some tricks - a priceless experience for the kids and definitely fun for the players, who will be on court again on Sunday as SEHA - Gazprom season draws to a close for 2015/16.