Lelić : ''You have to know when it is time to say that it was enough''
Lelić : ''Moraš znati kada reći da je bilo dosta''

NEXE's 34 years old right wing Franjo Lelić will finish his career in Croatian vice champion's jersey. Lelić will be registered for the club from Slavonia, just in case something wrong happens to another two NEXE's right wingers Crnić and Bozić-Pavletić. He will also play in his farewell match which will be held during one match of this season's SEHA GSS League.
-You have to know when it's time to say that it was enough. NEXE will definitey be my last club and forever a place where I've spent some of the moste beautiful moments in my career - said Franjo Lelić who has now for 6 years for NEXE's jersey.
His handball career began in Medvešćak Zagreb, and by NEXE he has also played for CO Zagreb and Slovenian Gold club.
By Lelić's career-ending announcement, one of the biggest news in Slavonian club in the last few weeks was signing Turkish national team player - Can Celebi. He will come to Našice on August 14th after World university handball championship in Portugal.
- I am very happy because of coming to Croatia. I've heard a lot of good things about NEXE and I am of course especially looking forward to playing SEHA GSS League - concluded 24 year-old, 196 centimeter tall and 100 kilograms heavy Celebi with playing experience from Mili Piyango and Özel (both from Turkey).