The time has come for two of the best Slovenian
teams to meet once again in SEHA Gazprom League. In their premier SEHA
encounter of the season, team of Celje has managed to grab a narrow 27:26 away
win but this match might be whole lot different considering current situation
and rhythm both teams are currently in.
Celje are struggling a bit lately. They did not
manage to beat PICK Szeged last weekend in Champions League losing by a big
margin but despite of that they have a good score against domestic rivals and
they surely see this match, scheduled for Tuesday (19.00 CET), as a perfect
chance to get back on winning track.
This will also be a battle of the middle of
League’s table with Celje being fifth and Gorenje sixth at the moment.
Tamse, Celje Pivovarna Lasko coach:
Both teams are always excited ahead of Slovenian
derby which surely is a duel which everyone wants to win in fighting with some
extra desire. Difficult task is, however ahead of us especially knowing that
we’ve played CL match on Saturday. Despite of that, I expect exciting, great
handball match and I hope to see many fans. Additional plus is #be8player
campaign they have a chance to become a part of so that is just another reason
to make atmosphere special. We’ll face a team which does not have such a rough
schedule and is not under as much pressure as we are but in a match like this
that is not important. Motivation will be the key and we’ll do everything we
can to win this.
Malus, Celje Pivovarna Lasko player:
A special match is ahead of us. Derby is always
a little bit different than other matches. Velenje are going to be very well
prepared for us, we’ve seen at least half of their team here on our last Champions
League match here in Zlatorog and by that they did not play a match for a week
now so they’ve surely had enough time to prepare. They are playing better and
better so we can expect a very hard task in case we want to beat them. We know
each other very well so there will be no secrets or surprises. Our biggest
advantage could be our fans. We all remember our last game in Zlatorog, playing
in front of a sold out hall which is something special for players. It pushes
you to your limits. That is why I would like to invite all fans to join us and
once again present themselves as our eight player in #be8player campaign.
Plaskan, Gorenje Velenje coach:
New derby against the team of Celje is ahead of
us. Both teams know each other very well. I believe that this will be a very
interesting match for all fans. I also believe also our boys will show their
true face and fighting spirit.
Mitrovic, Gorenje Velenje player:
Matches against Celje Pivovarna Lasko are among Slovenia’s biggest derbies and
I can say I’m honored to be a part of it. First match was very interesting and
it ended with a difference of one goal which may not be a true indication of
the strength of both teams. We are ready to fight and it’s up to see who will
be better.
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je prišel čas, ko se bosta srečali dve najboljši slovenski ekipi v SEHA Gazprom
ligi. V letošnji premieri SEHA lige na slovenskih tleh, so Celjani slavili
gostujočo zmago z 27-26, vendar tokratna tekma bi lahko precej drugačna glede
na situacijo in ritem v katerih sta ekipi.
Celje trenutno ni v najboljši formi. Med
vikendom jim ni uspelo premagati PICK Szegeda v Ligi prvakov, kjer so izgubili
z visoko razliko. Pozitiven niz proti domačemu rivalu je čudovita priložnost,
da se vrnejo v zmagovite tirnice.
To bo tudi boj sredine lestvice, kjer Celjani
zasedajo peto mesto in Velenjčanji šesto v tem trenutku.
Tamše pred tekmo z Velenjem:
nami je največji slovenski derbi, ki ga obe ekipi vedno željno pričakujemo. Gre
za tekmo, ki si jo seveda želi vsak dobiti, a pred nami je težka in zahtevna
naloga, saj smo še v soboto igrali tekmo lige prvakov. Pričakujem lepo in dobro
tekmo, ki upam, da bo na tribune privabila veliko gledalcev, ki verjamem, da
bodo imeli kaj videti. Ne nazadnje bodo lahko tako sodelovali v kampanji lige,
postanite 8. igralec, oziroma #be8player, ki tudi gledalce vabi k neke vrste tekmovanju,
kar daje naši igri in tej tekmi še dodaten čar. Danes nas čakajo še zadnje
priprave na tekmeca, ki ima manj naporen ritem tekem, a to na derbijih ni
odločilnega pomena. Tu odloča želja, ki je pri obeh ekipah visoka in mi bomo
zagotovo naredili vse, da to tekmo dobimo.«
teams are always eagerly expecting biggest Slovenian derby which is ahead of
us. This is a match that everyone always wants to win with some extra desire.
But difficult task is ahead of us, since we just played champions league match
on Saturday. Anyway I am expecting exciting and great handball match, where I
hope to see a lot of spectators in the hall, I believe that they can expect a
great match. And there is additional bonus, since they will be able to take
part in #be8player campaign, where some kind of contest is
available for them too, and that is one more thing that will help this match to
be something special. For me and my team today is the last day to prepare on
opponent which is with smaller number of hard matches not under such pressure
like we are, but in derby’s that is not so important. It is desire which will
be important and we will do all in our power to win this match."
vrati je derbi, posebna tekma za obe ekipi. Velenje se bo gotovo maksimalno
pripravilo na nas, ne nazadnje je bilo kar pol njihove ekipe na naši sobotni
tekmi, prav tako pa so imeli veliko časa za pripravo. Iz tekme v tekmo Velenje
igra bolje in gotovo nas čaka zelo težka tekma. Zelo dobro se poznamo med sabo,
zato praktično ni skrivnosti ali presenečenj, ki bi jih lahko imeli drug pred
drugim. Velika podpora in pomoč so nam lahko navijači. Vsi se še dobro spomnimo
naše zadnje medsebojne tekme, ko je bil Zlatorog povsem poln. To je neverjeten
elan, ki ga dobi vsak igralec, zato vabim vse navijače, da so tudi na tej tekmi
naš osmi igralec."
special match is ahead of us. Derby is always a little bit different match than
others. Velenje is going to be very well prepared on us, we saw at least half
of their team on our last champions league match here in Zlatorog and they were
without any match this weekend so they had a lot of time for preparation. They
play better and better, so we can expect very hard task to beat them. We know
each other very well, so there could be almost no secrets or surprises. Our
biggest advantage could be our fans. We all remember our last game in Zlatorog,
when we played in front of sold out hall, which is something special for
players and it boosts you to your limits. That is why I would like to invite
all fans to join us and once again they present themselves as our eight player #be8player."
Borut Plaskan, trener RK Gorenje Velenje:
"Pred nami je nov derbi s Celjani. Ekipi se
poznata do obisti. Verjamem, da bo to za gledalce zelo zanimiva tekma, na
kateri bodo naši fantje pokazali pravi obraz in borbenost, kateri smo bili v
tej sezoni že priča. S takšno predstavo lahko upamo na ugoden rezultat."
Luka Mitrović, igralec RK Gorenje Velenje:
"Tekme s Celjem Pivovarno Laško so v
Sloveniji veliki derbiji, v čast mi je, da sem lahko del njih. Prva tekma je
bila zelo zanimiva. Končala se je z razliko enega gola, kar morda ni bil pravi
pokazatelj moči obeh ekip. Pred gostovanjem v Celju ne izobešamo bele zastave,
pač pa odhajamo v boj. Nikogar ne podcenjujemo, obenem pa se nikogar niti ne
bojimo. Videli bomo, kdo bo boljši."