Gorenje deliver against Zagreb as Brumen leads them towards big win
Brumen vodil Gorenje do velike zmage proti Zagrebu
Second defeat for PPD
Zagreb this season and fourth win for Gorenje in SEHA Gazprom League. Hosts
have from the beginning managed to set the tempo high giving Zagreb loads of
headache. Guests were trying to level the score throughout the whole match but they
did not succeed with Brumen, Klec, Levc and great Zaponsek between posts
bringing their fans a lot to be happy about. It's also important to add that
they were playing without key players Toskic and Mitrovic. Brumen was leading
the team from Velenje with 6 goals, Zlatko Horvat netted 8 for PPD Zagreb.
PPD Zagreb will
already on Saturday in Varazdin host Veszprem and after that, Veszprem will on
December 15th travel to Velenje to meet Gorenje.
Borut Plaskan, Gorenje Velenje coach: We deserve this win
as we've worked very hard for it. We were able to stay in control of the game
throughout the whole encounter. There were some bad moments on our side in both
halves but our players did in the end show will and strenght winning this. We did
not have many players on disposal due to injuries but those who did step on the
court today delivered their best.
Silvio Ivandija, PPD Zagreb coach: Congratulations to
team of Velenje, they were better today.
We were not focused enough making too many mistakes. Our next match is the one
against Veszprem and that will be a real derby. I expect my players to play
much better in that one.
Rok Ovnicek, Gorenje Velenje player: From start all the
way until the final whistle we were able to keep the rhythm high as agreed.
Fans really were our eighth player today. I hope they will be as loud in our
upcoming home matches.
Darko Cingesar, PPD Zagreb player: Congratulations to
Gorenje Velenje on this win, they've delivered one of their best performances
so far this season. Match did not end in the way we wanted and I hope we'll win
again soon.
Rokometaši PPD Zagreba so doživeli drugi poraz, Gorenja Velenja pa vpisali četrto zmago v Ligi SEHA Gazprom. Domači so Zagrebčanom že od začetka tekme z visokim ritmom v igri povzročali velike preglavice. Gostje so skušali preobrniti rezultat skozi celoten obračun, a so Brumen, Kleč, Levc in odličen Zaponšek poskrbeli, da so se na koncu veselili njihovi navijači. Potrebno je poudariti, da so Velenjčani igrali brez Toskića in Mitrovića. Pri Gorenju Velenju je bil s šestimi zadetki najboljši Matjaž Brumen, za Zagreb je Horvat zadel osemkrat.
PPD Zagreb bo že v soboto gostil ekipo Veszprema, ki bo nato 15. decembra pripotovala v Velenje na obračun z Gorenjem.
Borut Plaskan, trener Gorenja Velenja: Mislim, da smo si zaslužili zmago, saj smo zanjo na igrišču krepko garali. Skozi celoten obračun smo imeli potek in rezultat v svojih rokah. Nekaj padcev v igri je v obeh polčasih bilo, a iz sebe so naši rokometaši iztisnili zadnje atome moči. Vsa čast fantom! Ni jih veliko, a kdor je stopil na teren, je prikazal največ, česar je bil v tistem trenutku sposoben. Z analizo bomo skušali izluščiti stvari, ki so bile na tej tekmi pozitivne in na njih še naprej graditi našo igro.
Silvio Ivandija, trener PPD Zagreba:
Čestitke ekipi Gorenja Velenja, bila je boljša. Mi nismo bili dovolj zbrani in napravili preveč napak. Sedaj nas čaka tekma z Veszpremom, ki bo pravi derbi. Pričakujem, da naši igralci na tem obračunu prikažejo boljšo igro.
Rok Ovniček, rokometaš Gorenja Velenja:
Tekmo smo od prve minute igrali tako, kot smo se dogovorili v slačilnici. Pri ritmu, ki smo ga narekovali s soigralci, smo vztrajali vse do konca. K uspehu nam je izdatno pomagala številčna publika. Upam, da se takšna množica zbere tudi na preostalih dveh tekmah tega meseca, ki nas čakata prihodnji teden v Rdeči dvorani.
Darko Cingesar, rokometaš PPD Zagreb:
Čestitke Gorenju Velenju za zmago. To je bila ena najboljših tekem te ekipe v Ligi SEHA Gazprom, ki sem jo videl v tej sezoni. Tekma se ni končala po naših željah. Upam, da kmalu spet začnemo zmagovati.