Start of the 2nd round Be8player Best Handball Fan Contest vol. 3!

For the third year in a row, Be8player will uniquely reward the fans of SEHA clubs. This year's contest is organised in three rounds. The first round is behind us. Fans of the clubs that participate in the eighth season of the SEHA League, answered on eight questions via the SEHA mobile app. The quickest and most knowledgeable went to the next phase.
The second round starts today, 6th of December 2018 and lasts four days, until Sunday, 10th of December. In the second round, the fans need to send a photo with their favourite player, from the stands or something third, what matters is that it has some fan features. The fan photos will be posted on Be8player’s Facebook, and eight photos with the most likes will enter the third, final round of the contest.
In the final round, the main role will be played by players of the SEHA clubs. They, your idols, will pick the best photo. The final winner will be published on December 20th and the winner will be rewarded massively. He or she will win two all-inclusive tickets to the Final 4 of the eighth SEHA – Gazprom League season, a complete hummel outfit package and winner's favourite SEHA club will ensure a signed jersey.
That's why, if you haven't, head to Be8player social media, like the photos, comment and share the content, because you might be the winner of many prizes.