Only positive thoughts on a Positive Media Day!

A day of the year where social media and the news is a beacon of positivity for the world.
On a daily basis, we are witnessing that our posting about confidence, motivation and eagerness has a positive impact on people we call SEHA friends – our fans. This is of huge importance to us mostly because young people are the ones that consume the internet and social media the most. After all, the media has the ability to shape our perspectives.
Everything about this day is something we live by since the League started. By turning rare negative events into positive life lessons with the right mindset, our Monday Motivation quotes and focusing on the good things.
To cheer up each and every one of you, we are filling our media net with funny content and videos to bring a smile to your faces. Also, we won't stop encouraging you to communicate with us and reward you for it. Proof of this are four Best Handball Fan Contest directed by the Be8player project, project you recognized and with which we together promote handball and positivity.
To conclude, we won't let negativity bring you down. It is our main goal to continue spreading positivity and thinking happy thoughts. For you and because of you.
Happy Positive Media Day!