SEHA and Jamnica have announced a new sponsorship deal for the SEHA Final 4

Jamnica has been confirmed as SEHA's official water supplier and sponsor for the SEHA Final 4 tournament which will be held in Zadar. For the second year in a row, Jamnica has renewed its support for the final tournament. Jana is one of Jamnica's brands and the famous bottles with the messages are available in nine different markets. Besides Croatia, the brand is present in North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Hungary.
About Jana
Jana natural mineral water is one of the most famous brands of the Jamnica plus LCC which produces carbonated mineral water. Bottled in Gorica Svetojanska near Jastrebarsko, Jana is known for exceptional mineral composition and a prominent ratio of calcium and magnesium. Its excellent number one position in Croatia confirms that the strong messages have found their way to the consumers, with this significant business success standing witness to the success of the Jana 'Water with a Message' campaign.
Photo credit: kolektiffimages