Can Borac surprise Meshkov?
Može li Borac pokvariti planove Meškovu?

History says that in their five previous matches Meshov have each time managed to beat Borac. In their first meeting this season, in Brest, Meshkov were in Brest better with 31:27 and in previous seasons, in matches in Banja Luka guest were better with 28:33 and 24:32.
After Vojvodina's win against Radnički Borac have hit the rock bottom with 4 points, Meshkov are fifth with 15. Belarus champions are absoulte favorites in Borik especially because of the fact that CL's Last 16 is slowly running away from them.
Igor Rađenović, Borac m:tel's coach:
We are preparing for this match for a week now. We know our opponents well, they are playing tough 6-0 defence and it is always a problem for us. We'll do our best to slow down the rhytm a bit because we don't have too many players. We see our chance in the fact that they have four matches in ten days ahead of them and coach Babić will surely look to give some of his players time to rest. Our fans will aso be an additional motive for us.
Stefan Janković, Borac m:tel's player:
We will have our full roster available and do our best to surprise Meshkov because they've played two tough matches last week in CL. Their most important players must be tired.
Željko Babić, Meshkov's coach:
We are preparing well for Borac, you can be sure. We're favorites and my task is to motivate the team. We must not underestimate Borac.
Ljubo Vukić, Meshkov's player:
It won't be easy to play SEHA GSS League after CL but we despite of that expect a win. In case we play best we can we can reach three new points.