Kids day in Veszprem Arena with players
Druženje djece s rukometašima u Veszprem Areni

It was a great day for the kids from Veszprem and local nearby cities. They got the chance to spend some time with the best players from the region. The teams of PPD Zagreb and MKB-MVM Veszprem hanged out on the court of the Arena with boys and girls from age 11 to 14. They played a little handball on two sides of the court and the players showed them a few tricks to make their day. Kids were shooting on a goal trying to score against Zagreb's and Veszprem's goalkeepers and they played along with their role models. They got an opportunity to ask everything they wanted to know and got signatures on T-shirt's, balls, photos and memory to remeber for a life time.
LASZLO NAGY, MKB-MVM Veszprem's player:
- It is important for the kids to do sports and it is a very good thing when they are able to spend some time with us, professional players. Events like this are very good encouragement for the kids to do more sports and handball. I like working with kids and helping them and I hope there will be more events like this.
ZLATKO HORVAT; PPD Zagreb's player:
- The event lasted for only half an hour but I hope that it meant a lot to the kids. I believe the children enjoyed it today. We signed on their T-shirts and balls and I believe that it will be a good memory for them. I hope that some of them will begin to play and the clubs playing at the Final tournament - Final 4 SEHA Gazprom league.