Meshkov wins the Cup, Veszprem confirms No.1, Zagreb and Vojvodina still without a lost point

Here is week overview of what has in past few days happened in countries which have participants in SEHA. Battle for next season's participants is rough and only Macedonians are not playing due to current security issues in their country.
HUNGARY: Veszprem have managed to reach championship playoffs from first place. In the most important match they've managed to celebrate against PICK Szeged away with 31:25. Renato Sulić was Vesprem's best individual with 7 goals. Veszprem will, because of this win, have home court advantage in final series against PICK Szeged played on 3 wins system.
BELARUS: Last week in Belarus it was time for Cup's final tournament. Winners are Meshkov Brest which have managed to reach an overtime victory over SKA Minsk 32:21. Rutenka scored 7, Vukić6, Manojlović and Stojković 4 each and Ivan Pešić was voted tournament's MVP. Meshkov were in semis better than Kronon with 27:28 (6 goals for Vukić) while SKA were better than Gomelj with 31:26.
CROATIA: Zagreb have come a step closer to the title after beating NEXE in Našice clearly with 27:21. Stepančić was the best for Zagreb with 6 goals, Ivić added 12 saves and Celebi scored 5 on the other side. NEXE will, for position two, look for a win against Varaždin.
SLOVAKIA: Tatran have, after 3:1 victory in semis against Povaska Bistrica (last match played away, 30:27 victory with Furlan's 7 goals), found out name of their opponent in finals and this year it will be Hlohovec which were in semis better than Topolcani with 3:2.
SERBIA: Vojvodina has made a huge step towards new title with a win against Partizan in Belgrade (25:24, Stanković 7 goals) and are positioned first with 5 points more than their firts follower Spartak. Big battle is however led for position two and current situation is: Spartak 7, Jugović 6, Metaloplastika 5, Partiuzan and Radnički 3 points each.
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA: Final playoff series has started with Borac hosting regular part of the season champion Ljubuški in Banja Luka. In the first match Borac, which will in series to three wins have home court advantage, have managed to reach 33:26 victory led by Milan Dukić' 9 goals.