Butorac: " Everything was based on excellent defense"

Tatran Presov — Vojvodina 35:26 (22:11)
(Cip 9, Urban 8 / Jovanovic 6, Stankovic 5)
Slavko Goluza, Tatran coach:
Congratulations to my boys on the win. In the first half we played really well. We started with efficient, strong and aggressive defense and by that we ran well scoring seven easy goals. However in the second half we were not able to proceed with such performance. I'll make it simple - players who won't play defense won't play for Tatran.
Bruno Butorac, Tatran player:
We decided the game in the first half mostly by making damage through counter attacks. Everything was based on excellent defense. We managed to keep the gap open throughout the full course of the matcb taking a comprehensive victory.
Dragan Kukic, Vojvodina coach:
Congratulations to Tatran on their victory. Tatran were favourites and dominated the game from its very beginning. We made a lot of technical mistakes in the opening phase of the match. If we wanted to be successful, we needed to play as a team, but we did not stick with our tactics in the first half. In the second half we managed to keep up with Tatran and play an equal game. We have to analyse our problems, get rid of technical mistakes and improve tactical discipline of the team.
Dusan Trifkovic, Vojvodina player:
Tatran deserved to win. We allowed them to run the ball easily after our technical mistakes. That way they scored a lot of easy goals deciding the match in its early phase.